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'CHALLENGE STEVE'-Tell me where to go!

Want me to post you a souvenir from my travels? What about sending me to some place that's special to you? You can even use me as a 'singing telegram', and get me to pass on your greetings to an old friend. Lost contact with someone in a foreign country? Maybe I can find them! I've done it before, as you can see below! To set me a challenge, click on 'messageboard' above. Here are the standing challenges at the moment... CLICK ON ANY PHOTOGRAPH FOR MORE DETAILS OF THAT CHALLENGE

I'm coming to see my beautiful girlfriend in Madrid in October.
Considering you know her, it's a shame her beauty isn't shared with the world on your challenges page.
Get a picture with her and post it before I arrive in October and I'll give you fifty bucks when I shake your hand for the first time.

Reward= fifty US dollars
Status= COMPLETED! But not without much lost sleep, and some rather desperate detective work!

This challenge was passed on to me by Cindy, from Nanaimo, British Columbia. The challenge is from Mrs Ritchie's restaurant in Nanaimo. If you can eat the mountain burger and the fries that accompany it in one hour, you don't have to pay for it.
Reward= a free burger and fries

If you can find the place in the Pittsburgh area where you can go to church and drink a beer, post a picture of you enjoying a "Heavenly Hefe-Weisen" or a "Celestial Gold." It is worth a tithing donation to the "Save the Steve" fund!
Reward= twenty-five US dollars
Status= COMPLETED! What a tasty challenge...

I invite you- and challenge you- to come and watch my team the NU MadDogs' rugby game against Dartmouth in Boston on Sunday. If you make it to the game, and take a photo to prove it, I'll give you twenty-five bucks.
Reward= twenty-five US dollars
Status= COMPLETED! Congratulations on the win, Gil. You played a kickass game!

About a half hour's drive north of Wilmington, NC is Surf City, NC on Topsail Island. On the drive there going toward Surf City, you will see a place called the Docksider. You'll need to go there and get your picture taken at the place designated outside of the store.
SECOND (did I forget to mention there was more than one part to this challenge) continue toward Surf City at Topsail Island. Go over the bridge straight until you reach the public beach access. There will be a pier to the right of the beach access. Take a picture with the ocean and pier from the beach access. Then go onto the pier and take a picture of the beach where you just were. You must get all three pictures to complete this mission.

Reward= fifty US dollars

I know it's a long shot, but if you can find an old friend of mine, I'll give you $US250. His name is Fred Eiseman. He went by the nickname 'Big Fred'. He'd be in his mid 70's by now. I graduated with him in '78. He lived outside Scottsdale, Arizona, but last I heard he was living in Bali. He had an interest in the Gamalian dancing. Good luck!
Reward= two hundred and fifty US dollars
Status= COMPLETED! Thanks to a little help from readers, Big Fred has been loacted and contacted, and another successful result is logged for The Savage Files Challenge Board!

"Can you help me find my old friend? He was originally from the Basque area of Spain, but I knew him in Caracas, Venezuela, when he was working for Proctor and Gamble in about 1999. His name is Antxon Monforte. I hope you can help. It´s worth fifty dollars if you can. Cheers, Jon
Reward= fifty US dollars
Status= COMPLETED! ...finally. I was contacted by another reader, who told me that Antxon was involved in the Horchata industry here in Spain. I sent emails to every member of the horchata board, and every registered grower. Eventually, Antxon surfaced to find out what all the fuss was about!

I have been racking my brain trying to think of a challenge I can afford to give you at this point in the all-time low of my employment cycle. Here is my idea. You are going to so many countries and each country has its own unique currency. Would you be able to mail me a few cents (or bills in places like Cambodia where one of their 100's is worth a few cents of American or Canadian money) of the different currencies that you come across, and for each different type of currency I will donate $10 American to your voyage? even worthless coins no longer in circulation (lots of Chinese coins like this, or so I found in Southeast Asia).
Reward= ten US dollars each time
Status= ONGOING! Currencies so far: Moroccan Dirham, Spanish Euros, German Euros, Czech Crowns, Polish Zloti, Lithuanian whatevers, Latvian whatevers, Russian Rubles...

I really liked the coin challenge idea, but would prefer a condom from each country you visit where its obvious from the wrapper its from that country (oh yeah, unused and still in wrapper, please). I have collected a few on my travels and they take up way less room than snow globes! For each condom you send me from a different country, I will donate $10 USD. Thanks! Deb
Reward= ten US dollars each time
Status= ONGOING! Condoms sent so far: Portugese, Spanish, French, German, Czech, Polish, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, Thailand...

As I look and read of your latest labor pictures I am reminded of the words of a famous patriot of Britain, Sir Winston Churchill, who said "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat." If you can manage to find the grave of this honorary U.S. citizen and champion of his own nation and have a picture taken of you next to it, I will kindly make a 25 dollar deposit to the "Save the Steve" fund. Good luck!
Reward= twenty-five US dollars

Can you locate an old friend of mine. His name is David Fernay (or Ferney). He used to be in advertising, and last I heard he was living in London. He'd be about sixty years old. Again, good luck!
Reward= one hundred US dollars
Status= COMPLETED! Even though I was never able to meet with David Ferney, I did locate him and speak to him on the phone, and the reader who issued the challenge considered that a success!

When you get to Norfolk, look up one of my most very favorite friends and have a beer with him, get a photo of the two of you together and post it in your journal and I'll send you $50. I'll email you his phone number...his name is Phil. Was my childhood sweetheart, very interesting and well traveled person, had a Navy career (P-3 pilot and Commander), teaching in high school now. Would love for the two of you to meet! He lives in Chesapeake, near Norfolk.
Reward= fifty US dollars

Steve- Hope all is well. I'm having a 5-year trekshare.com anniversary full-moon party. If you can get me a couple of bottles of Sang Song Thai whiskey I'll give you $50. Safe Travels.
Reward= fifty US dollars
Status= FAILED! Buying the Thail rum was simple and painless (and cheap!) and bringing it into Spain posed no problem. Finding a post office in Madrid that stocked those special little boxes for sending bottles of wine was a little more difficult, but after three unsuccessful missions, I found one and safely secured said bottles of Sangsom inside it. That was when George W. Bush stepped in and thwarted my successful completion of the challenge. The postal officer was sad to inform me that, in light of America's new security regulations, foodstuffs and drinks may no longer be accepted for delivery to the US. So now I have two bottles of cheap Thai rum on my hands. Any suggestions?

"Back in about 1970 or 71, I saw a movie starring Richard Chamberlain titled "The Music Lovers". He played Tchaikovsky in a loosely written biography. The movie has him performing his First Piano Concerto as his "senior thesis" of sorts for graduation there at the Conservatory of Music in St. Petersburg. Your challenge is in parts. First, you must perform part of this challenge before you ever depart for Russia. I will pay you $35 for each completed portion of this challenge. 1) You must rent/obtain the video of the movie The Music Lovers, and watch it with Maria. When you've scripted a brief outline of the movie in your journal with a photo of you holding the video box, I'll send the first $35. 2) Once in St. Petersburg, find the Conservatory of Music, post photos, see if you can get a tour of a little inside, especially the concert hall where he performed his 1st Piano Concerto. That will be worth another $35. 3) Attend a concert there and send me some sort of souvenir, and I'll pay another $35. If it is his actual Piano Concerto No 1 you are able to attend at the conservatory, and you can send me proof (concert program/ticket) also shown online,then I'll DOUBLE THE WHOLE CHALLENGE! NO CHEATING 'cause I have Russian friends here who will tell me if you've sent me a metro ticket instead! Ha! Spaciba! It was this movie that opened my eyes, ears and heart to Classical music, made me drop out of dropping out with the hippies, and went back to college to study music. Oh yeah, I almost forgot: you must have Maria with you for each part of the challenge! Enjoy!"
Reward= thirty-five US dollars each part
Status= Stage one and two completed. Stage three? Cancelled by myself upon discovery that foreigners are charged ten times as much as Russians to attend. Fair? Yes. Affordable? No.

Challenge for Morocco:Take a photo of you enjoying a glass of mint tea at a local hangout. Reward - US $10
Reward= ten US dollars
Status= COMPLETED!, and the funds have been put towards some hair restoration treatment!

I have a $50 challenge for you. Take a photo with Steve (or Gemma or Andy or other family members) who works at Meadowbank Social Club just out of Winsford, Cheshire past the salt mine.
Reward= fifty Australian dollars

When you get to Florida, I want you to go to the place where they make the sausage you ate, introduce yourself, tell them you had their delicious sausage all the way out in CA, and get your photo taken in front of the place with the guys there. It's Johnston's Meat Locker, just a tiny tad bit west of Monticello, Florida. My father grew up in Monticello (he passed away this morning, by the way). This challenge is good for $50 if you post the photo on in your journal. You will probably have to call before going there to be sure it's not their "gone fishing" day (closed).
Reward= fifty US dollars

As long as you are there in Monticello, you might as well go by our old homestead that was built by my great grandpa, say Hi to Earnestine and Susan, and get photo in front of the old place with them. You'll really be in historic backroads of Florida. That will be good for yet another $50. They are south of Monticello only a couple of miles in Capps...I'll email you the exact address and phone number. The land was deeded to our family by Andrew Jackson after the civil war. I'll let Earnestine and Susan know to keep an eye out for you.
Reward= fifty US dollars

Hey Steve, Take a picture of you on the Duquesne Incline in Pittsburgh and it's worth $25.00 in your account. The view of Pittsburgh is worth the dollar it costs and parking is free! Oh yeah, you're hitchhiking hee hee
Reward= twenty-five US dollars

Hey Steve, I've got another challenge for you. If you can get to Jungle Jims International Grocery https://www.junglejims.com/index.cfm and mail me a box of TimTams (any variety, however my favorite is double chocolate) I will put $25.00 in your account. If they don't have TimTams get a picture of you and Jungle Jim. Good luck
Reward= Twenty-five US dollars

I have recently become interested in a breed of horse called the Peruvian Paso. I'd like to see you post a photo of yourself on a Peruvian Paso. I've heard that the experience of riding one is like no other horse. If you achieve this challenge, I will send you a hundred Australian dollars.
Reward= one hundred Australian dollars
Status= COMPLETED with the help of Jeff and Polly. Thanks guys!

My husband will pay you US$50 if you go to the Vancouver Aquarium gift shop (no admission needed) and buy a Beluga Whale mug (CDN$11.99) then ship it to us. It's 12-13cm tall, light blue on the outside, white on the inside with Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre around the top. The belugas are in relief around the mug with white bodies on a light blue background. There is a orca one just like it (which we did buy).
Reward= fifty US dollars

Hi Steve. This is Terra, the Hawaiian girl you met on the bus from Anchorage to Fairbanks. My challenge to you is to join myself and my friends for dinner and drinks tomorrow night at a local bar where my friend's brother performs at open mike night.
Reward= dinner and drinks
Status= COMPLETED! Thanks Terra and co.

Show us a picture of you eating ribs at "The Rendezvous" http://www.hogsfly.com/ in Memphis and we will deposit 25.00 in your account.

Reward= twenty-five US dollars
Status= COMPLETED! yummy

I challenge you to go to Goodwill secondhand store on Super Saturday, when all their donated clothes are half price. Buy a shirt for me. I will reimburse you the two dollars it cost, and if your choice of shirt matches my taste, I'll give you twenty bucks as a reward.
Reward= twenty US dollars
Status= COMPLETED! after a rather embarrassing episode in the women's clothing section.

Hey Steve: If you get to Prague, find the musician on the St.Charles Bridge who is playing the "glasses" (drinking glasses!), ask him to play "Stairway to Heaven" and get a picture....I'll send you $30.00. Heck, maybe I'll MEET you there and GIVE you $30! Hmmmm, now there's an idea!
Reward= thirty US dollars
Status= FAILED! I walked the length of the Charles bridge, but locals said that the guy has gone to Florida for the winter.

"We have some great friends who live in Madrid. I will give you their contact info. I'm not sure if any of their three adult sons are living at home now but hope so!! The twins stayed with us in the States two summers long ago. Usually we send them a present at this time of year but we thought this year, we could use you to buy and deliver a special gift to them, and what we normally spend on postage, we could forward to you for your trouble. We thought maybe one of those big Spanish leg hams, with the hoof still attatched. We saw them when we were in Spain, and they seem like a real delicacy. Can you get us a price on a good quality (Iberico) ham? The challenge is worth $50.00 to your travel fund if you post a photo of you with the family members when you deliver. Hope this all works!! Just tell them that we wish them Happy Holidays and wish they were here visiting in our home."
Reward= fifty US dollars

"Your challenge is to find a bar or store in Madrid that sells a Texas beer called Shiner. There are several international beer bars in Madrid that might be able to give you a good start. Cervecería Alemana or Cervecería Internacional."
Reward= twenty-five US dollars
Status= FAILED! Shiner beer not to be found in Madrid :(

Steve - I've been saving 1/2 of my allowance and lunch money so that I could afford to issue you a challenge. Here's an easy one...
US$25.00 if you email or journal a pic of you "running" with the Hash House Harriers. If you don't know them, they're referred to (by themselves), as "The Drinking Club With a Running Problem". They say that if you have 1/2 a mind to run with "the hash", that's all it takes!
There are about 15,000 kennels around the world, so it shouldn't be hard to find one. If you're still in Madrid, you can find out when the next run is from http://www.madridhhh.com
If you're elsewhere, just Google for "hash house harriers" and the name of the city. The site should show where the next run is. Just show up, and you'll be welcomed with open keg. If finding the run location or transportation is a problem, there should be a contact phone no. on the web site. Just call & they'll work something out. Let me know if there's a guest or meal fee, and I'll add it to the $25. (I can always skip a few lunches).
PS: I'll not be held responsible if you wear new shoes - suggest you do not, unless you're really thirsty.

Reward= Twenty-five US dollars
Status= pending ..should I be worried?

I've been trying to find an excuse to send you a few quid for a Christmas drink, so here it is. Post a photograph of yourself and Maria enjoying a drink or two over the festive season, and I'll have ten pounds winging its way to you, to go towards the bar tab.
Reward= Ten Pounds Sterling
Status= COMPLETED! What a tough challenge!

"Hey, Steve! I have a challenge for you! If you can stand 6-hour dancing on the progressive dancefloor in the night club "Object 01" of Irkutsk (Siberia), I'll pay for entrance tickets, drinks, and will give you an extra 15$. I will allow only 5 short breaks of 10 minutes within this night. :-)
And of course, I'm still offering you an accommodation in my place for as long as you wish and help of any kind in Irkutsk or Baikal region.

Reward= entry, drinks and fifteen US dollars (been increased to $20 since the 'challenger' discovered that I've not danced in fifteen years!)
Status= FAILED! As you may be aware, my cross-Russia trip was abandoned.

Here's another French Challenge, but in Nice, not Paris. Meet up with my email pen-pal in Nice, have "un cafe", whatever, just meet up with him and spend a bit of time getting to know each other. His name is Rajeev, and he and his wife Ruby have a child who is about 2 now. We've never met, but he is like a son/kid brother/family member that I feel I knew in another lifetime. Strange. I feel that about you, too. One big happy family! Anyhooooo, Ravi has been sharing fascinating stories of growing up on a tea plantation that his father managed, and his life in a fancy Catholic boarding school in Darjeling, a world away from my life, that's for sure. He's been giving me travel information for when I go to visit the orphanage in Tawang, and we've become friends via email. Please look him up, get a photo posted here, hopefully you can meet Ruby and Gaetaan, too. Good for $50! I'll email the details.
Reward= fifty US dollars
Status= pending...

"If you can make it to Accra, Ghana, West Africa, and visit two libraries I volunteered at there, hand out candy to all the children (a couple hundred, go any weekday in the afternoon), and take pictures, I will pay $50 US plus pay for the candy. E-mail me for more details."
Reward= fifty US dollars
Status= pending...

"I am looking for a 1970's Australian show called "The Lost Islands". If you can get the episodes of this show for me in any format (video or DVD, PAL or NTSC; I can always convert), you will be handsomly rewarded! At least $50 USD."
Reward= fifty US dollars +
Status= pending...

I have a challenge for you! If you can stomach a ride on the Mindbender and the Drop of Doom at West Edmonton Mall I will give you $20CND and a meal! Love the site!
Reward= twenty Canadian dollars
Status= pending...

IF you get to Northern India, to Arunchal Pradesh, township of Tawang, go to the Manjushree Vidyateeth orhpanage, get your photo taken with Lama Thupten Phuntsok and an orphan girl named Tsering Lhamu (#1359C), bring the photo(s) with you here, and I will give you $100 US dollars when you arrive. I sponsor Tsering, and someday hope to go visit her myself.
Reward= one hundred US dollars
Status= pending...

Hi Steve
Can you help me find a friend of mine I met in Bali this year. His name is Rory McAfee and is from Vancouver, Canada. He was travelling with his sister and her friend. He is a surfer and is 23 years old.

Reward= fifty Australian dollars
Status= pending...

In Bordon, england, near guildford and haselmere, go to the bourdon Kebab van, its on highstreet by chalet street and across from southern fryed chicken. its only open after 5pm and order the OMEGA kebab and to win the challenge you must A. find out what football club the guy working there supports, get a picture of you infront of it holding the massive kebab, AND if you like, get garlic sauce, because its very very good. This challenge is worth $20 cdn ( 10 of it is for the cost of the OMEGA)
Reward= twenty Canadian dollars
Status= pending...

Take a photo of yourself drinking a milkshake at Snackbar 42 in Amsterdam. The only catch is that I'm not going to tell you where Snackbar 42 is, and there a thousands of snackbars in Amsterdam ;) I used to live right next to Snackbar 42 and it satisfied many, many munchie cravings for me.
Reward= twenty-five US dollars
Status= pending... I wonder if he means the Snackbar Forty-Two at Haarlemmerstraat 42, near the end where it meets Brouwersgracht, across from Centraal Station? *hee hee*

Take a photo of you AND Maria drinking a Fanta in front of the house where Freddie Mercury was born in Zanzibar. I just love Zanzibar, and I threw in the Fanta because it's really hot there and you'll be thirsty.
Reward= fifty US dollars
Status= pending...

Take a photo of you AND Maria in front of the world's tallest tree in Redwood National Park in Humboldt County, California. This is really just an excuse to get you guys to come visit me ;)
Reward= fifty US dollars
Status= pending...

I have a challange for you mate. Not sure if you've done the Transmongolian Train trip yet, or even if its on the cards, but if you do, I want a hat. Following a lot of vodka one evening on the trian I woke up with a guards hat in my posession. This hat was the blue (and white inside) uniform with the logo stiched to the front. It had two flaps to keep your ear toastie and one that foled over the front, making it the perfect hat to sleep in. Made of fleece it is, the best hat in the world. After a couple of years growing fond of mine, I err lost it like an idiot in some woods one evening. Well, if you can 'aquire' one for me, and mail to Andy Nelson, Field House, Sea Road, Chapel St. Leonards, Lincs, PE24 5RZ England. I'll put £50 in the fund (About $90US) Good luck bro, loved the book by the way. Keep going...
Reward= fifty British pòunds
Status= pending...

Your travels are truly amazing...but you are NOT the ultimate wanderer if you have NOT cracked CHINA. Here the people don't speak English and the food is non-palatable.

The Challenge is: Go to Shanghai, Visit the 88-Storey Pearl TV Tower, take the ride up and take a Picture of you holding a sheet of paper with "SunBridge presents COPC" written on it in Bold. I will pay you US$100.00 for the effort. Thanks!

Reward= one hundred dollars
Status= pending...

I'm waiting for more challenges!

If this project is to proceed soon, as planned, there are so many things I have to organize- not the least of which, is financial support. I will keep you updated with my progress, but in the meantime, have a look through the pictures and stories from some of my past travels, try your luck at the competitions and quizzes, and check out the not so savage files, a page where you can post your happy memories of Bali and New York. You can post a message to me by clicking here. If you can help this project even in a small way, click on the paypal button to make a safe and secure contribution on-line.

Alternately,contributions by way of cash or cheque may be sent to

PO BOX 121
QLD 4011

A huge thankyou to everyone who has helped in their own way, to get this project started.

The Not So Savage Files / competitions & quizzes / favourite books / links / 101 ways you can help / thankyou